Pink is a colour that creates great excitement and commotion, a tone that is hard to achieve naturally and rare in nature, it almost always has some form of manmade input to create the tone we all associate with the colour.

Back in 2016 Pantone launched colours of the year, a dusky pink - Rose Quartz Pantone 13-1520 partnered with a soft blue - Serenity Pantone 15-3919. Shaking up old fashioned views on pink and marking a shift in attitude towards the colour, the hype around millennial pink at this point became one of the biggest topics globally, with the key factor being the shift in attitude towards a colour known for its feminity

Becoming a colour the defined a global conversation around identity .

pink has entered the digital revolution as a key colour within digital art, often used within digital renderings. Digital pink is much cleaner and more vibrant

On Talking to Earlwyn Covington in Damn Magazine about his view on pink Virgil Abloh says “ I’m Colour sensitive. Colour is at the root of art and design. Colour immediately gives you an emotion and it’s no coincidence that one of my major projects is called Off-White. When it comes to the colour pink, it reaches back to what you possessed in childhood when your brain becomes programmed that pink is feminine and blue masculine. I think in that short narrative, there lies the root of my artistic practise, which is to sort out these preconceived notions based on opted truths, which as you get older you realise is not found on anything factual, just consensus.

Moving forward to the present, pink has entered the digital revolution as a key colour within digital art, often used within digital renderings. Digital pink is much cleaner and more vibrant, there is often a lilac or blue tint to the tone giving it a slightly more futuristic edge.

Looking at the emotional aspects of pink its attributes are diverse. Its the colour of self-love, nurturing and compassion.Speaking to prominent digital artist Andres Reisinger about his use of pink within his work.

"I mainly use the colour pink in my works as a motif with connotations to our bodies. The human body is the foundation for the colour palettes of my work, with its shape, colour, and texture, it has always been my main source of inspiration.

Moreover Pink is a very rare colour in nature. It is present in the pink quartz as a natural colour. The pink quartz has an energetic frequency of 350Hz, it's thought to "elevate and harmonise" your heart energy centre. For this reason is the one that has the most healing properties of all crystals.”

Looking at the emotional aspects of pink its attributes are diverse. Its the colour of self-love, nurturing and compassion. Lighter tones offer healing qualities, giving us a sense of unconditional love and contentment, promoting inner peace. While brighter and more saturated tones stimulate our energy, encouraging confidence and inspiring action.

Pink is slightly aloof, it won’t be pinned down. Being both feminine and masculine, modern and playful, refined and expressive.

The desire to feel profound joy and optimism are key priorities for the foreseeable future, pink fulfils these needs with great vigour and energy. Pink cannot fail to delight, bringing a positive emotional response; it stimulates the senses in a way like no other colour.

Pink is slightly aloof, it won’t be pinned down. Being both feminine and masculine, modern and playful, refined and expressive, it’s this enigmatic quality that keeps the conversation going, 6 years on after the launch of rose quartz.

 These updated pinks are clean and fresh, they have a tiny trace of lilac or blue within them and can be applied across all design industries. With pink being so well established, it’s a strong commercial option, this is the time to have confidence across interiors, automotive tech, packaging and going full circle back to fashion and beauty.


